Monday, 1 April 2013

Recent Purchases..

Hey folks, sorry been a wee while, been working hard!  I'm off to Amsterdam next week for a few days for my besties birthday so I will be quiet next week.  In the mean time here's what I've been spending my dosh on this week..


Beautysets - recently bought

  • Disco Pants - Fear not, I do not plan on paring these with a crop top or anything of the sort! haha I really wish I was skinny enough to pull these off with a tee, but alas I will be wearing them will a long jumper.
  • Utility Jacket - I was actually looking on the NL site to find someone else I'd recently bought to include here when I came across this!  I recently bought a parka but it's really heavy and we'll be doing some trekking in the Dam so hopefully this will do the job.
  • Serotonin Necklace - I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!  I'd been after one of these for a while but all the ones I'd seen were pretty pr icy so I cannot wait for this to be delivered.  Hoping to make up in fashion what I lack in the brain ;)
  • Ribbed Skater Dress - Bought this for a night out yesterday and I really like it, I think the ribbed is flattering and it's nips in lovely at the waist!

Thanks for reading, as always would love to know what you think :)



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